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Powerful Concepts for Creating Successful Habits In Your Life

Our Success is Based in our Successful Habits

“First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” ~ Charles C. Noble ~

Everything we do in life finds its foundation in Habit. Whether you are joyful or bitter, Grateful or greedy, Healthy or unhealthy, wealthy or broke, everything we have, do and are is created and then supported through our daily habits. Therefore it is important to develop successful habits.

Often when I’m coaching with people I will hear them say things like:

  • “Oh, all that success and goals stuff is great for other people but I don’t need it, I’m just a mom… or I’m just a student… or I’m whatever.”
  • “Yeah, I’ve tried that goal setting stuff and it doesn’t work.”
  • “You don’t understand, I have [fill in your unique life situation] so goals and habits and stuff aren’t going to change anything.”

You get the idea. Everyone has a story they tell themselves about why things are the way they are. It’s a part of our belief structure. The challenge is, while from our perspective it may look true, there is no real basis of truth in those beliefs. Almost anything can be changed and if the thing can’t be changed, your attitude toward it can be.

Answer this question:

Do you have an area, or areas, of your life that you feel are “lacking?” Areas where you’d like to improve? Do you want to be a better parent? Live a healthier lifestyle? Go on more vacations? Provide more for your children? Have a more attentive spouse? Get closer to God? Learn to dance? Run a marathon?

In other words, what are the ways in which you would like your life to change for the better?

Now, answer this:

How long have you wanted or needed to make that change? In other
words, how long have you been telling yourself you need to: make more money, or
lose weight and get in shape, or get your children to listen?

If your answer to how long you have been struggling with the
same issue is more than 6 months then you either: have not yet decided to
actually make a change, you believe your story (and lack of control over your
situation) so completely that you don’t believe it can be changed, or you don’t
have the necessary knowledge and skills to make the change.

So think again about that thing you want to change? Has it been something you’ve talking about doing or changing for a long time? If so, why haven’t you done it?

If your mind just launched into excuse mode and you are thinking something like,
“Yeah, that’s easy for you to say, you don’t have to deal with [fill in the blank]; understand that you are hiding behind your story.

Things like:

  • Yeah, but with my body type I just can’t lose weight.
  • Yeah, but you don’t understand, my kids don’t listen.
  • Yeah, but I can’t save money because they don’t pay me enough.
  • Yeah, but goals don’t work for me.
  • Yeah, but I don’t have the time.

Yeah but, yeah but, yeah but…

These are not reasons, all these are is excuses. They are stories you tell yourself that keep you stuck where you are and take away your power. Creating successful habits give you back your power.

Look around, has anyone, anywhere ever created or changed in
their life what you want to create or change in your life? If the answer is yes
then the truth is you can change it too.

If you truly want to…

You see, therein lies the rub. You have to want the change badly enough to create new habits in your life that support the growing, learning or mindset required to make the change you desire.

In other words, you have to think differently, learn some new
things and develop successful habits that support your desired change.

This video by Jim Rohn contains a simple formula that can help you change anything and everything. It all starts with, the Half Dozen Things.

Jim Rohn – Challenge to Succeed (Half Dozen Things)

If the video is not showing up for you click here.

What are your Half Dozen Things?

Take a few minutes and begin to identify what those “half dozen things” are that will create the successful habit or reinforce the skill you seek. Once you have identified the Half Dozen Things as they apply to the change you choose to make in your life, the next step is to find a way to make the habit of a daily time and place to focus on those Half Dozen Things.

What are the things you can you do daily to improve your life?

Get out your calendar and schedule your half dozen things into your day.

If you don’t have a calendar, that might be a clue! Here is an example of what your list might look like.

Daily Successful Habits:

  1. Read from a book related to your chosen area.
  2. Listen to or watch a video that teaches or reinforces what you are learning.
  3. Find a time to practice your new skill, or to do the “training” necessary for your desired outcome. In other words, do the necessary activities daily: workout, make phone calls, create leads, take a class, go for a run, practice cooking or whatever it is for you.
  4. Every evening take 15 minutes to review your day and make a list of 3 – 6 things you must get done the next day.

Weekly Successful Habits

  1. Review the previous week. What went well? What needs improvement?
  2. Take 30 minutes to schedule your week. What is your focus for the upcoming week?

Find a workout partner

Find a friend or loved one who will support you, someone who is also ready to make some changes in their life and also wants to focus on creating successful habits. Work together to hold one another accountable in following through on the activities you have identified.

We are creatures of habits. Almost everything we do – we do on autopilot. This mean, the key to a positive lifestyle is to control your habits and turn them into successful habits that support your goals and dreams.

“And it all began with one small win!”

Be kind to yourself, it took time to get to where you are now and it will take some time to see results of the changes you are making. Stay the course. Stay conscious. You can’t change your situation overnight but you can change your direction.

I believe in you!

Joy-filled blessings,

This Post Has One Comment

  1. This is a great post! I love reading the suggestions on habits.

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